Friday, February 1, 2013

Dyplast's Certified Insulation Energy Appraisers

Hello Everyone,

Congratulations to our recently certified insulation energy appraisers, Dick Smith and Mike Boyco.  This makes the number of in-house energy appraisers to six from the original four.

1. Joseph Hughes, Vice President, Sales & Marketing

2. Jorge Salazar, Senior Account Manager

3. Claude Hartdegen, Senior Account Manager

4. Robert Sanchinel, Account Manager

5. Dick Smith, Senior Specifications Manager  NEW!!

6. Michael Boyco, Development Engineer and QC Supervisor  NEW!!

Their achievement is industry recognized and enhances our Dyplast brand. This accreditation serves to demonstrate how Dyplast aligns employee activities with our overall business strategy and shared company values. 

Keep up the good work and enjoy your day!