Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Dyplast new Article, “Commercial Quality Control: The Missing Link”, in LNG Industry Magazine

Dyplast Products has published its latest article in LNG Magazine titled “Commercial Quality Control: The Missing Link”. In an era with disparate pricing, a multiplicity of owners/stakeholders, long-term price volatility, multiple concurrent plant constructions, a shortage of skilled personnel, and increasingly complex technologies, owners/stakeholders in LNG projects increasingly face new risks.

This article introduces commercial quality control as an approach to move more impact factors to the controllable side of the ledger, and also as a way of better identifying and mitigating risks across the project lifecycle – beginning at project inception, but encompassing development, financing, construction and operations.

Click here to read full article 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ted TALK #3: “Due Diligence!”

Ted TALK: “Due Diligence!”

Dyplast’s ongoing survey of below-ambient insulation applications indicates that over 65% of projects fail to exercise reasonable due diligence that would have otherwise resulted in lower capital costs while achieving higher thermal efficiencies.

I’ve spoken on this before, particularly at Conferences, on Panels, and within Industry Magazines. Due diligence expresses the care that a reasonable person exercises to research, analyze, and prepare for a transaction, process, or strategy. 

My many esteemed colleagues will echo my personal astonishment regarding how many insulants are selected without the supplier even demonstrating compliance with applicable Codes and Standards such as ASTM, CINI, etc. - - measured by an independent third party - - not by an in-house lab, and not a product formulation different from the product delivered. And since insulants are meant to insulate over the long term, due diligence is also intended to ensure the life-cycle balance of cost versus performance is achieved.

It is increasingly incumbent on engineers, specifiers, asset owners, and stakeholders to be diligent regarding the facts, the relevance of the facts, and full disclosure of facts. A life-cycle costing of the insulation system is also warranted in the majority of applications.

Ted Berglund
Dyplast Products