Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dyplast releases new Polyiso vs. XPS Technical Bulletin

Dyplast released its latest Technical Bulletin 0418 which is an update to the 0214 Bulletin on Polyiso versus XPS in low temperature pipe insulation applications. Whereas the previous version was focused primarily on examining the cost of insulation systems versus energy savings and long-term performance of polyisocyanurate (polyiso or PIR) and extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulants in refrigeration and chilled water applications, this more recent Bulletin revision is more-so focused on the misinformation and/or lack of full disclosure so prevalent in the marketplace. Dyplast aggressively advocates for:
  • honest presentation of physical properties and pertinent information, yet also
  • full-disclosure, complemented with
  • third-party verification and audit of physical properties and the quality process.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Dyplast a Finalist for 2018 Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Award

TALLAHASSEE - The Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes today announced Dyplast Products as a finalist for the second Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Awards. 

The winners, chosen from the finalists, will be announced at the 2018 Governor's Sterling Awards Banquet at the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes on June 1 in Orlando.

In 2017, Dyplast received the "First Runner Up" award from the Florida Sterling Council.