Thursday, June 4, 2015


Dyplast Products in it's ongoing effort to provide timely and accurate information about polyisocyanurate rigid foam insulation within the industry has updated it's Customer Bulletin 05-15 "A Comparison of ISO-C1 and HT-300 Polyisocyanurate Insulation".
This updated Customer Bulletin is part of a series of white papers aimed at providing our clients, engineers, contractors, fabricators, and friends with objective information on competitive products. Marketing literature on the internet and in printed media address the physical and performance characteristics of competing polyisocyanurate rigid foam insulations fabricated from bunstock. As is often the case, some literature can be misleading and/or in some cases there may not be sufficient information to credibly compare products. This Customer Bulletin provides factual, clarifying information which should allow for an objective comparison of Dyplast's ISO-C1® with HiTherm's HT-300 (each 2 lb/ft3 density).

Please contact Dyplast personnel or visit our web-site for complete information.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Announcing: CINI 2014 Results and Reader Action

May 26 2015

Dyplast Products, LLC’s ISO-C1® 2.5 fully complies with CINI 2014 (Committee INdustrial Insulation) in all aspects (material, mechanical, and chemical properties, and combustibility) achieving or exceeding properties for LNG and cryogenic applications.
Dyplast Products, LLC used certified independent laboratories to complete all the testing of CINI 2014 (Committee INdustrial Insulation) for the ISO-C1 2.5, polyisocyanurate rigid insulation foam use in LNG and cryogenic applications.
We are pleased to announce that Dyplast meets or exceeds all material, mechanical, and chemical properties, and combustibility testing.
The ISO-C1 2.5 (2.5 pcf) passed all tests and exceeded:

Ø  Apparent thermal conductivity/ mean temperature of measurements
Ø  Compressive strength
Ø  Tensile strength
Ø  Modulus strength
Ø  Cryogenic Thermal Stress Resistance (CTSR) factor value of 5.8 (versus a minimum of 1.5).

The ISO-C1 2.5 is manufactured in Miami, FL and is distributed internationally.
The ISO-C1 2.5 also meets or exceed the ASTM C591-13 specifications.
Please contact Dyplast personnel or visit our web-site for complete information.