ORLANDO - Dyplast Products received statewide recognition as a 2018 winner of the second annual Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Award. The award, recognizing high performing manufacturers in six categories, was announced and presented June 1 at the Governor's Sterling Awards Banquet in Orlando.
The Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes collaborated on these statewide awards. Companies were judged on leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, workforce and operations.
Dyplast was selected from among 27 award finalists; 120 manufacturers were nominated. FloridaMakes will feature the finalists in webinars, plant tours and events that share best practices to benefit Florida's manufacturing sector and at the Make More Manufacturing Summit to be held on July 26 in Orlando.
The Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes collaborated on these statewide awards. Companies were judged on leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, workforce and operations.
Dyplast was selected from among 27 award finalists; 120 manufacturers were nominated. FloridaMakes will feature the finalists in webinars, plant tours and events that share best practices to benefit Florida's manufacturing sector and at the Make More Manufacturing Summit to be held on July 26 in Orlando.