Thursday, September 27, 2018

Dyplast Launches New Qwik Guide for Expanded Polystyrene Products

Dyplast has just releases its latest Qwik Guide for its EPS products, which include Holey-Board roof insulation, composite foam core applications, packaging, GeoFoam, special cuts/shapes, and standard sheets for insulation. Dyplast’s unique credentials involving testing, QC, manufacturing capacity, expanded inventory, and new equipment capabilities create significant added value for our clients. We invite you to read our one-page Qwik Guide, and contact us for any additional information or support.

Visit our Website and see additional Qwik Guides, Articles, & Case Studies


ISO-C1 Polyiso                            ISO-HT Polyiso

                    Dyplast EPSD            Composite Foam CoresF

Contact one of our Staff Today!
(305) 921-0100
(800) 433-5551

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Dyplast Exhibiting at CAMX 2018

Join Us at Booth BB51
Dyplast is excited about the upcoming CAMX Conference (Composites and Advanced Materials Expo) in Dallas where we will be exhibiting October 16-18. Our polyisocyanurate and polystyrene composite rigid foams are increasingly recognized as superior to alternative composite substrates such as balsa and honeycomb designs - - and lower cost in many cases. Dyplast’s high capacity production and quick turn-around on high-strength light-weight rigid foam sheets can add significant value to demanding composite applications - - including those with large dimensions and precision tolerances. To showcase our ability to customize rigid foams for unique projects we will be displaying a Texas Long Horn, the State of Texas, an Oil pump, and a bucking bronco. We’ll have a drawing at the end of the auction for companies interested in displaying these items in their offices.

We invite you to visit Dyplast’s booth and speak with our experts in composite applications.

Join Us at Booth BB51


Meet our Experts and see what we have to Offer!

Dyplast Sales Staff are Insulation Industry Subject Matter Experts. Drop by our Booth and put them to work for you!


ISO-C1 Polyiso                            ISO-HT Polyiso

                    Dyplast EPSD            Composite Foam CoresF

Contact one of our Staff Today!
(305) 921-0100
(800) 433-5551

Monday, September 24, 2018

Dyplast Products Revamps Blog with new Style and Content

New Style...Same Industry Expertise

Dyplast consistently challenges the insulation industry with thought provoking articles, consistent and accurate data; and our manufacturing capacities and precision quality control make us one of the industry’s finest suppliers of Mechanical Pipe Insulation and Composite Foam Cores!

Meet the Experts at Dyplast Products and Challenge Us

Dyplast Sales Staff are Insulation Industry Subject Matter Experts. Call us today and put them to work for you!


ISO-C1 Polyiso                            ISO-HT Polyiso

                    Dyplast EPSD            Composite Foam CoresF

Contact one of our Staff Today!
(305) 921-0100
(800) 433-5551

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dyplast Products Releases - QWIK GUIDE: GeoFoam (Geo-Technical EPS)

Dyplast Products recently issued another a one-page Qwik Guide on Dyplast® EPS GeoFoam. What is Geofoam? It is a large expanded polystyrene (EPS) rigid foam block, typically used as a light-weight/high-strength structural replacement for soil in geo-technical projects as shown in our case study entitled GeoFoam Project: Sharpes Ferry Bridge or as structural alternatives in applications such as stadium seating and swimming pool foundations in Florida's high-rise hotels and residences.  Dyplast GeoFoam is approximately 1% of the weight of most sandy and/or average moisture soils, and is particularly advantageous in applications where proper soil alternatives. 

This Qwik Guide can be found on our web-site under the resources drop down.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Qwik Guide for Petroleum, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Low Temperature Insulation

Petro/Chem/Pharma plants are increasingly focused design and management of their lower temperature and cryogenic processes, not only to reduce energy loss but to improve process efficiencies - - and in the case of chemical and pharmaceutical to enable more selective and specialized chemical reactions at very low temperatures. This Qwik Guide considers the role of the insulation in these efforts since it has a material impact not only on life-cycle cost, but also on life-cycle-performance and risk.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Re-Launch: Dyplast CEO pens "Open Letter to the Mechanical Insulation Industry"

Dyplast sent out a media announcement yesterday and a minor “units error” in our attachment was identified by our friends. Dyplast herein restates its message (now with an updated attachment)  that Recently Dyplast was made aware of several marketing documents from Pittsburgh Corning comparing FOAMGLAS® to PIR/PUR systems. These include "Truth in Performance", "Polyisocyanurate Foam versus FOAMGLAS Insulation", and "FOAMGLAS Response to Dyplast Customer Bulletin dated 6/2010". These marketing pieces are misleading and contain numerous false statements. While Dyplast will not waste your time going through every misrepresentation, this letter will address key areas in order to let you decide if there is any reason to give credit to the Pittsburgh Corning claims. Additionally, Dyplast will outline key facts about Dyplast ISO-C1® products because real data and actual infield performance are a better basis to evaluate products.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Dyplast Receives 2018 Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Award

ORLANDO - Dyplast Products received statewide recognition as a  2018 winner of the second annual Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Award. The award, recognizing high performing manufacturers in six categories, was announced and presented June 1 at the Governor's Sterling Awards Banquet in Orlando.

The Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes collaborated on these statewide awards. Companies were judged on leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, workforce and operations.

Dyplast was selected from among 27 award finalists; 120 manufacturers were nominated. FloridaMakes will feature the finalists in webinars, plant tours and events that share best practices to benefit Florida's manufacturing sector and at the Make More Manufacturing Summit to be held on July 26 in Orlando.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Dyplast Products receives Theodore H. Brodie Distinguished Safety Award for 2017

The National Insulation Association (NIA) announced Dyplast Products as the recipient of its 2017 Theodore H. Brodie Distinguished (Platinum) Safety Award at its 63rd Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida. This will be the 5th consecutive year that Dyplast has been honored with  the Platinum award, NIA's highest level.

Previously, Dyplast received its first Silver Award in 2012 and from 2013-16 received 4 Platinum Awards. Congratulations to the entire Dyplast Team on this outstanding achievement!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dyplast releases new Polyiso vs. XPS Technical Bulletin

Dyplast released its latest Technical Bulletin 0418 which is an update to the 0214 Bulletin on Polyiso versus XPS in low temperature pipe insulation applications. Whereas the previous version was focused primarily on examining the cost of insulation systems versus energy savings and long-term performance of polyisocyanurate (polyiso or PIR) and extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulants in refrigeration and chilled water applications, this more recent Bulletin revision is more-so focused on the misinformation and/or lack of full disclosure so prevalent in the marketplace. Dyplast aggressively advocates for:
  • honest presentation of physical properties and pertinent information, yet also
  • full-disclosure, complemented with
  • third-party verification and audit of physical properties and the quality process.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Dyplast a Finalist for 2018 Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Award

TALLAHASSEE - The Florida Sterling Council and FloridaMakes today announced Dyplast Products as a finalist for the second Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Awards. 

The winners, chosen from the finalists, will be announced at the 2018 Governor's Sterling Awards Banquet at the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes on June 1 in Orlando.

In 2017, Dyplast received the "First Runner Up" award from the Florida Sterling Council.